

Sementeira (Seedbed) is a live community of reciprocal learning to multiple singularities. We support ourselves physically, emotionally and economically to create cooperative and harmonic ways to exist in the world. Autonomy, responsibility, free play, emotional welcoming, being in touch with the arts and nature are our genuine expressions. We dare, celebrate life cycles, and trust in our relations – among adults and children. We prepare environments so that children can move around, appropriating the available materials with autonomy and without a determined time. As adults, we support the identification and expression of children's emotions, be it joy, anger, sadness, fear or shame. We support conflict resolution by remaining as neutral as possible in facilitating exchanges. Before the Pandemics, children met all week in the afternoon. For adults there are several spaces for participation, now mostly online: *Shares: weekly meetings between adults in order to listen to and take care of our emotions and bonds. *Forums: support tool for the emotional management of our individual and collective processes. *Conversation circle: meetings and lectures with themes related to the work we do at Sementeira. Currently, 19 families make up Sementeira and we use the sociocratic method of governance. We have been working on the relationship with money and sustainability since the beginning of Sementeira, but more consistently since 2019, when we took steps towards the co-responsibility of choosing to belong to Sementeira. We’ve been experiencing a paradigm shift: from service provision to the collective support of a project. We pay special attention to the valorization of educators, to the maintenance and improvement of the infrastructure of the spaces. We’ve just found a new gathering space, this time in a rural area. We are working to set up the space in beauty and utility, and thus resume our activities in person as soon as possible.

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O instituto tem como foco promover a transformação da periferia/favela através de ações de promoção social que priorizem a coletividade e o protagonismo de cada membro da comunidade, atuando de modo especial com a FAMÍLIA, no serviço de convivência e fortalecimento de vínculos. Através de nossos projetos atendemos, principalmente, crianças, adolescentes e jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade social.

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